Galveston Faculty      

Conservation and population genetics of aquatic organisms with emphasis on large pelagic fishes; molecular systematics and phylogenetics and biogeography of fishes.

Coastal and wetlands community ecology in salt marshes, tidal mudflats, and seagrass beds, with particular focus on changes in trophic structure following habitat restoration, nutrient enrichment, and other human disturbances.
Anna Armitage's Website

Benthic Ecology, Climate and Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Guilherme Corte's Website

Physiology & behavior of marine birds and mammals, especially species inhabiting polar waters.

Behavioral ecology and genetics of cetaceans

Research Interests: Identifying ‘emerging’ contaminants in the aquatic environment, Understanding the mechanisms of adverse effects via quantification of metabolic and endocrine biomarkers and Applying novel mathematical and computational methods to simulate and predict adverse health effects in exposed organisms.
David Hala's Website

Ecology, physiology and evolution of cnidarian-microbe symbioses with a focus on corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish.
Sheila Kitchen's Website

Characterization of virus-host relationships through the analysis of spatial and temporal viral and microbial diversity dynamics, the study of model organisms and the investigation of the mechanisms of evolution of viruses and bacteria in environmental systems.

Jessica Labonté's Website

Zooplankton processes in the ocean, population dynamics and interactions of marine fishes, quantitative fisheries research, statistical and numerical ecosystem modeling.

Research interests focus on the function and evolution of vertebrate feeding and digestive systems, the musculoskeletal sys-tem, and associated sensory and neurobiology.
Christopher Marshall's Website

Genomics, evolution and ecology of Hydrozoa (Cnidaria). Jellyfish blooms. Genomics of the "immortal" jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii.
Maria Pia Miglietta's Website

Impact of trace metal and nutrient enrichments, cycling and dynamics on physiology, primary productivity and community composition in coastal ecosystems.
Antonietta Quigg's Website

Plankton ecology, theoretical ecology

Ecology of estuarine, coastal, and pelagic fishes. Recruitment processes, particularly factors affecting post-settlement survival. Fish life history and migration studies. Analytical approaches to fish demography.
Jay Rooker's Website

Phylogeny and population genetics of polychaete and sipunculan worms. Reproduction and development of marine invertebrates. Evolution of hydrothermal vent and cold seep fauna.
Anja Schulze's Website

Biology and ecology of bony fishes, sharks, and rays. Research focus on life history, habitat use, movement, and feeding ecology of marine fish species; including estuarine, shelf, and offshore pelagic fishes.
David Wells's Website

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