Blue Economy Leadership Institute FEBRUARY 16-17, 2024

Intro paragraph

The Blue Economy Leadership Institute will engage 40 of our brightest and most ambitious students to tackle the challenge of solving a dynamic scenario where the maritime industry and modern environmental priorities intersect. The student team with the most creative and economically feasible solution will win a $2500 prize.

 Juniors, seniors and graduate students are eligible to register.

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities


  • Serve as a Judge - Play an active role in determining the most innovating team of students as a judge for the case study competition.

  • Advertise Your Business - Sponsor logos will be used in all promotional materials, including flyers, university website and social media posts. 

  • Promote Your Business & Its Role in the Blue Economy - Sponsor one of four meals with the option to promote your organization and its role in the Blue Economy

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors    

Shell Logo                                     Pasha Logo                                Gulf Copper Logo        

     Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC     Sabine Surveyors LTD Logo            Bertling Logistics