39. Soliciting on Campus

(Revised 2018)

39.1 The term “solicit” is defined as advertising, the taking of orders, sales, rentals or donations,
proselytizing, campaigning (political or other), collection and distribution of literature. Any solicitation
on campus must have the approval of the University Concessions Committee, through the Department
of Student Activities, whether such solicitation is by an officially recognized student organization,
university organization, a governmental agency or other. Door-to-door solicitation by outside
organizations or companies, however, is prohibited in the residence halls and University Apartments.
Concessions guidelines and request forms are available in the University Center Scheduling and Services
Office. Information about facility and space usage can be addressed by University Center & Special
Events staff.

39.2 Concessions permits are limited to five days in a 30-day period to provide equal access to all
organizations. All solicitation must take place from behind a scheduled table. A full-time student
representing the group that obtained the permit must be at the approved location at all times. No
concessions permit is required if a recognized student organization or University organization
(including residence halls) sells certain selected items to its members ONLY.

39.3 All charity and welfare drives must be sponsored by an officially recognized student organization
and are subject to the same guidelines as other solicitations on campus. Student organizations charity fund
drives also should be registered at the Student Activities Office seeking to conduct charity drives must
obtain concessions permits at the Department of Student Activities.

39.4 Only recognized campus organizations, students, staff and instructors are permitted to use university
facilities, including computing resources, for publicity and advertising. Non-university affiliated vendors
may advertise through use of the Battalion, the telephone or U.S. Mail, or telecommunications.
Guidelines regulating campus advertising and publicity may be obtained in the University Center
Scheduling and Services Offices.

39.5 For more information on soliciting on campus, see Texas A&M University Rule 21.99.09.M1
Access To University Property for Soliciting Donations and for Sales and Rentals.