47. Investigation and Resolution of Complaints Against Texas A&M Students for Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Related Retaliation (SSDDSR)

(Revised: 2019)

The Department of Civil Rights and Equity Investigations (CREI) is charged with the investigation and resolution of alleged violations of Texas A&M University’s civil rights policies, including Title IX. This includes instances of sex-based discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence) and related retaliation when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment.

Conduct which is not severe, persistent or pervasive may still be a violation of other University policies, and when appropriate, CREI will partner with other University entities to address such conduct.

Allegations of civil rights violations against faculty, staff, guests, and unknown parties are addressed by CREI. (Note: Allegations of civil rights violations against students which were reported prior to June 1, 2019 will be addressed by the Office of the Dean of Student Life.)

For more information please visit the Civil Rights and Equity Investigations website at Titleix.tamu.edu or contact the Title IX Officer at:

Jennifer Smith, JD



Medical Sciences Library, Suite 007