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No, chivalry is not dead. Thank you for caring.

By Virginia Limon, '21

|Graphic: Virginia Limon, Nautilus Staff

Manners. Politeness. Etiquette. Chivalry. Respect. No matter how you search it or what you call it, they all come down to the same thing: Be aware of how you treat others. As Emily Post eloquently put it: "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter which fork you use."

I used to blame men's fear and negative programming of opening doors for women on the rise of the women's empowerment movement. Women scold men for opening doors with a stern "I can open my own door." or some declaration of their fortitude. Now, I have come to realize it is something else entirely that seems to be a common theme in society. People are selfish.

Chivalry is not about women being the "weaker" sex. Chivalry and manners are about bringing order and civility to a world full of chaos, violence, and crude behaviors. Think about the time when people drew pictures in caves and used primitive tools such as the Stone Age. Cannibalism, rape, and general impropriety was the standard way of living. Without manners or a general awareness of others, we would not be any different.

Texas is known as one of the friendliest states in the United States. Manners and chivalry are more common here. Countless times I have heard or been told by non-native Texans that we are friendlier. Several former New Yorkers have expressed shock when someone else (man or woman) has held the door open for them. They have told me it is just not something people do in New York City.

One general Aggie trait that makes me proud to claim to be part of the Aggie family is that Aggies are notably more benevolent than most. If you ever have the pleasure to meet an Old Ag, they are the kindest people you will ever know. Many will go out of their way to help people in general but fellow Aggies even more so.

Generally, I have noticed the Galveston campus is not exactly like main campus. We have our differences and I love what makes us here unique. One thing I am grateful to say about our campus is that chivalry is not dead here.

I see students (male and female) holding doors open for each other even when it means waiting for an extra second when they are running late to class. I regularly drive through the crossing for the Maritime Academy Hall and it warms my heart when vehicles stop for the crossing well before it is required or necessary or when the crossing students wave a thank you.

The next time someone glares at you for being kind or scolds you, take the opportunity to educate them. We do not hold doors open for the weak. We do not say "sir" or "ma'am" just for the old. We do it to show respect for each other as human beings. We do it because we would like and appreciate the same treatment and respect from others. We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we.