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Women challenging the dynamic and reshaping the conversation

By Faith Murphy, '20

For the first time in four years, two women, Vivian Guilfoyle, a sophomore marine biology major, and Beth Trumm, a sophomore marine biology license option major, pursued the coveted Yell Leader position and were met with difficulties. The position is open to women; however, some believe it should not be. The women were met with friction during their campaign. Guilfoyle shares her story.

In order to run for a Yell Leader position, students must obtain signatures to complete a petition for a spot on the ballot. According to Guilfoyle, multiple students refused to sign her petition since she was a woman. She shared that individuals went as far as telling her that the physical appearance of a Yell Leader personally mattered more than having a candidate true to the Aggie core values and traditions of TAMUG.

Once Guilfoyle finalized her petition requirements, she said she knew the campaign trail would be challenging but with the support of friends and other students, she felt encouraged to persevere. “A woman could be amazing in [a Yell Leader] position and promote a new sense of unity and acceptance on this campus,” stated Guilfoyle.

A major component of running for Yell Leader is the tradition test. The tradition test is an exam about the fundamental customs present at TAMUG. Although each candidate is not required to take the traditions test, it is encouraged. Guilfoyle, however, did not participate in taking the traditions test. As of right now, it is unclear as to why.

As of February 27th, the results were unfavorable to Guilfoyle. Nevertheless, Guilfoyle said she encourages other women who are dedicated to the Aggie spirit to run in the future.