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Inclusion & Diversity In Higher Education


Katherine Aguirre, Ph.D.
"What if I Can't Lean In?

The Intersectionality of Race and Gender in Community College Leadership"
This presentation will focus on research conducted in 2016 that utilizes the intersectionality of gender and race as variables in examining the challenges faced by women of color in community college leadership. By sharing the experiences of their professional journey and challenges encountered, study participants such as Presidents, Provosts, Vice Presidents, Chairwomen of Boards of Trustees, and faculty members can assist women of color in making career choices and developing educational strategies that enhance professional opportunities and create a healthy work-life balance.

Mica Alex, Daniel Farishta, Arpita Beechar, Sagar Joshi, Janki Patel, Janani Sundaresan
"South Asian Ethnic Diversity in the U.S."

The South Asian community is the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States with a 97% growth rate, according to US Census Bureau data from 2000-2013 American Community Survey Data1. The study of how South Asians have integrated into the American population is vital to the understanding of ethnic professional diversity in the United States, and the composition of the US South Asian community as a whole. It can be determined that socioeconomic status, geographic location, and educational level are three factors that elucidate why South Asians make up a notable portion of the professional community within America.

Dr. Betty Barr
"Cultural Diversity: Creating An Inclusive Environment for Teaching and Learning"

Higher Education has the ethical and educational responsibility to build an inclusive education that embraces differences in diversity and integrate it into all aspects of university life. Changes in higher education practices and curricula frequently result in improvement for teaching and learning. Institutions have become more diverse in racial, cultural, ethnicity, and socioeconomic backgrounds of students. Although some cultures share more similarities than differences, the differences are frequently misunderstood and the reason for culturally related problems. Knowledge of students' cultural backgrounds and norms can assist faculty with different learning styles, perceptions, and values in the classroom.

Sean Baser & Alexandra Hersperger
"Challenging White Privilege: Navigating a Diverse Environment"

As two graduate students who have transitioned from predominantly white institutions to one of the most diverse institutions in the country, we will share our experiences in successfully navigating the culture shock of being acclimated into a diverse population. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the challenges students face entering an unfamiliar environment. We will provide a series of recommendations that faculty, administrators and student affairs practitioners can use to assist students on their campuses. It is our intention to provide an outlook into one of the struggles students might experience as they begin their collegiate journey.

Rev. Freda Marie Brown, David Mitchell & Corinthia Morgan
"Higher Education, Non-Profit Partnerships and Social Justice"

This roundtable discussion will address the collaborations between non-profit organizations and university organizations and departments. The panelists will critically reflect on their experiences with long-term and more recent partnerships and share best practices in developing collaborative projects. Their short presentations will be followed by discussion with the audience.

Owen Brown, Ph.D.
"'Fair Evasion': Commodification of Black & Brown Bodies"

Racial profiling is a dominant feature of Post Racial America. Despite the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans and Hispanic Americans continue to be disadvantaged by our country's legal system. Historically, the latter is reflected by the mass incarceration rates of African and Hispanic Americans in our nation's prison industrial complex. In state and federal prisons, these populations are disproportionately represented as prisoners. In this presentation, the investment of America's criminal justice system in the criminalization of African and Hispanic Americans is examined through fare evasion and stop-and-frisk policies in New York City.

Chanda Burrage
"Women in Pastoralism: Livestock & Religion"

The term 'pastoralism' – the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats – is also used in a spiritual context of "shepherding a flock of people." In the rural rangelands of Ethiopia, pastoral women engage in socioeconomic, cultural and conservation activities that typically involve innovative natural resource management, yet they are particularly disadvantaged by the limitations they face within-their own societies, for example, in owning property or participating in decision-making processes among their male counterparts. Similarly, in African- American churches in the United States, women's leadership includes all areas of responsibility from active roles in missionary societies and women's groups to congregational leaders in areas of Christian education and pastoral areas. I provide evidence that black women across geographical places and spaces face a glass ceiling in various contexts and highlight how these women are breaking out of and circumventing barriers within religious and cultural institutions. The study ends with recommendations for further research on black women's experiences with negotiating the stained glass ceiling and their strategies for leadership both in the US church in throughout the African rangelands.

Nathaniel Conley, Jama Grove, Michelle (Scout) Johnson, & Arley Ward
"Queering the Survey: Integrating LGBT+ Into Survey-Level History Courses to Create a History of Inclusion"

In an effort to insure that sexuality and LGBT+ history is not only incorporated, but genuinely integrated into survey-level history courses, we have created fully deployable lesson plans linked to primary themes in our survey courses. Our goal is to offer instructors tools and resources that encourage the incorporation of sexuality and LGBT+ history into their existing courses by providing models that demonstrate how making these histories an integrated component of the historical narrative can further instructors' existing course goals and learning objectives.

Sean Cosgrove
"History in all the Wrong Places?: Fostering Inclusivity in Higher Education through Critical Engagement with Personal Histories"

Half-way through a guerrilla history project in the Bronx, NYC, conceived and executed in collaboration with an organization called Power Writers, I hope to engage in a cross-disciplinary conversation about the challenges of working toward inclusive teaching and admission policies in higher education. While I will focus on the recognition of the multiple skills that students without "traditional" training possess, this will also be an opportunity to engage in a discussion about the need for radical pedagogical changes in Departments that then accept these students defined as "diverse" by the university.

Henry Davis, Ph.D.
"From Affirmative Action to Inclusive Excellence"

This presentation is a discussion of the diversity initiatives from 1966 to the present - i.e. Affirmative Action, minority affairs programs, diversity officers, etc. An in depth analysis of the elements that were the foundation of equity and justice programs inspired by the political upheavals of the Civil Rights years through the Black Power years to the post Black Obama era is integral to this discussion. This presentation also addresses the evolution of diversity programs from "window dressing" to the necessities of tying the very important aspect of bringing cultures together at the foundation of the academy.

Maria DeLongoria, Ph.D.
"Marginalized by the Marginalized: When 'Diversity' Targets Black Women"

This presentation is a discussion of the marginalization of Black women in higher education by those who purport to be, and should be, their allies, i.e. white women, men of color, differently-abled persons. These are people who have, at times, aligned themselves with Black women and other women of color in the struggle for equity and inclusion. But then, since they have one foot in the privileged world, become either a vehicle through which institutionalized racism and sexism are administered and/or the self-perpetrators of the targeted marginalization of Black women.

Dr. David DeSousa, Jr. & Dimitri Lyon
"Taking a Unique Approach in Advising Undergraduate International Transfer Students"

International transfer students in the United States continue to be an important part of the college population, and they consume a significant amount of time and effort of advisors at both community colleges and universities. These students bring unusual educational experiences and new ideas to the table. However, advising international transfer students is complex. Appreciative inquiry and appreciative advising are respected methods for engaging students and improving their skills and capabilities for academic success. The core of the Appreciative Advising methodology is its six phases: Disarm, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver, and Don't Settle (Bloom, 2008). This presentation will explore each phase and give details how it can be applied to international transfer student advising.

Dr. Serena Flores
"Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in Higher Education: Reflections of First-Year International Graduate Students"

Graduate school in the United States is viewed as a full time commitment due to constructs related towards professional academic responsibility, academic activities, and learning. This is well known by staff and students, however first-year international graduate students incur the additional construct of assimilating the foreign country in which they have chosen to pursue their studies. This research reviews current pedagogical practices in higher education with specific reference towards first-year international graduate students. The author examines cultural influences in addition to academic influences as reported by first-year international graduate students through reflection of experiences.

Daphne Gordon, Ph.D.
"Daring to be an African American Woman in Higher Education's All Boys Club"

African American women in higher education often work in environments where their peers and students assume they lack knowledge and credibility. Many disciplines, especially the business areas, lack African American women faculty and mentors. These women face challenges in doctoral programs, securing faculty positions and navigating the tenure process. To create a truly excellent system of higher education, it must be inclusive. This presentation will focus on navigating a path of inclusion to Higher Education's exclusive all boys club.

Shannon Guillot-Wright
"Swinging the Lantern: A Photo-Ethnography Exploring the Health Care Experiences of Seafarers"

The changed conditions of U.S. labor that began in the 1970s helped to create a precarious workforce. While the effects of these conditions on health are well documented, less is known about the dominant economic architectures and governance structures that allow precarious employment. I present a critical historical analysis of seafaring as one way to interrogate the health effects of sociopolitical structures on vulnerable population groups. Although I follow a particular population group, the research has implications for people who find themselves in precarious labor and those who advocate on their behalf.

Dr. Sharon K. Hall
"Academic Leadership and Diverse Campuses"

Academic institutions are, arguably, the intersection of culture, knowledge and the promotion of knowledge to advance future generations. Diversity within these institutions' leadership is often lacking and thus, explicit guidelines for examining the extent of the problem and the amelioration of it for the health of the university are unknown. However, both of these lofty goals are knowable and with the help of faculty and some current academic leaders, universities are beginning to approach these issues of diversity and academic effectiveness. This presentation will discuss implicit bias, research about campus diversity and how to promote diverse leadership for university growth and global citizenship and tactics that are useful in ameliorating bias.

Delridge L. Hunter, Ph.D.
"Affirmative Action: The Position of the Least Favored vs. the Most Favored"

Affirmative Action serves as the ways and means of providing access to the Least Favored by establishing a process that offers equal opportunity under the fairness principle. The motive is to establish a "level playing field," i.e., offering the least favored access to those areas and materials formally denied. Affirmative Action is the measure of the rate of return, of fairness practiced within a society that employs two forms of distinction: The most and least favored. This discourse will examine Affirmative Action in terms of how it is practiced in the City University of New York with the focus on impact it has on Medgar Evers College.

Justin P. Jimenez & Nicholas-Brie Guarriello
"Queering Affect as Praxis"

Affect is often discussed and analyzed in abstraction through the idea of people embodying certain emotions or being affected in positive or negative ways. The driving question of our research is how do educators and students in education transgress a dualistic approach of affect that will reflect their own trajectories and experiences in the classroom in order to understand networks of power, privilege, consumerism, and violence that are being imposed on them and that they do unto others. Our goal is to ultimately queer how affect is employed and engaged within the classroom by offering an auto-ethnographic account of our classroom experiences and pedagogy.

Lendy Jones
"Academic Initiatives in K-12 Programs Designed to Increase Diversity in the STEM Fields"

The renewed emphasis on improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education has stimulated efforts to propel our nation to the top in these areas. Enhancing students' critical thinking and STEM literacy through expanding STEM education and career opportunities for women, minorities and other underrepresented groups is essential. Due to this focus, several states have implemented K-12 level STEM programs designed to address the diversity gap that is present in post- secondary education. Best practice programs such as STEM Academies, Summer Enrichment programs, Bioscience Institutes are responsible for small, but significant gains and exploring their success may serve as a catalyst for other initiatives.

Kristin Josvoll
"The Evolution of Museum Audiences: From Elite to Complete"

Museums have evolved through time from being institutions that collect and exhibit curiosities and antiquities to educational epicenters. Their focus has shifted, and so has their audience. When discussing inclusion and diversity in today's society, it is not globally understood and accepted that education should be encompassed into that spectrum; museums, however, strive to make this a reality. When museums were first created, they were designed for the elite, those that could pay to see the exotic and those that could showcase their cabinets of curiosities. Modern museums have embraced these educational opportunities and branded themselves so that the masses can experience all they have to offer. This presentation will examine different learning opportunities offered to museum visitors. These efforts allow for more participation and engagement, which in turn allows for more educational opportunities amongst a larger group of individuals.

Dr. Anahita Khoshtinat
"The Influence of Women's Educational Opportunities in Iran"

This qualitative research study described the influence of women`s educational opportunities in Iran. Four research questions were utilized to explore the importance of women's educational opportunity in Iran as perceived by college-educated Iranian women in the United Sates. Ten participants with similar features were chosen to prevent dilemmas in discovering the fundamental nature of the experiences. A purposeful, snowball sampling was utilized to identify the participants. The findings suggested the influential roles of parental supports, community supports, personal motivation, and challenges. The findings also suggested the participants' responses regarding parents indicated the elements such as, providing emotional support, providing financial support, encouraging higher levels of education, and not discriminating by gender helped Iranian women in reaching their educational opportunities.

Dr. Laurie McGarry Klose & Shalimar Dominguez
"Transforming Human Development Courses: Including LGBTQI2-S In Core Curriculum"

Developmental Psychology courses at the undergraduate and graduate level traditionally focus on cognitive, physical and social/emotional development across the lifespan. This presentation will focus on the importance of including gender and sexuality development in all courses that address human development. The transformation of a graduate level course in Human Development for specialist level school psychologists will be presented and discussed with directions for future work and research included.

Dr. Dawn K. Little
"An Examination of International Teaching Assistant Acclimation to the Diverse College Classroom"

As the population of foreign-born faculty increases, their acclimation to the diverse college classroom is an important consideration. For foreign-born faculty who attended U.S. graduate school, an international teaching assistantship may have served as preparation for the professoriate. Many American postsecondary institutions have established initial training and ongoing support for international teaching assistants. This paper will present findings from case study research indicating that the extent to which these interventions prepare ITAs for the complexity of teaching in the U.S. context is based on the interaction of individual and contextual factors.

Dr. Ann Marsh & Dr. Clementine Msengi
"Refugee Student Resilience While Adapting to U.S. Schools"

This phenomenological study examined the resiliency experiences of refugee and asylum-seeking students that contributed to their adaptation in U.S. schools. Interviews with five subjects led to findings suggesting that they significantly relied on characteristics of resilience during their adjustment. Implications for practice include raising awareness among and improvement of training for educators who deal with refugee and asylum-seeking students. Desired outcomes would bring about enhanced guidance, information and outreach services to the students and their parents, ultimately improving students' resilience and ultimate success in U.S. schools.

Dr. Joan Mileski
"Fundamental Issues Facing Women in Higher Education"

This panel will address the sustainability of a career, from the perspective of women at various stages of their careers. Women often have additional family pressures that compete for time, and these pressures differ at different points in one's career. The panel will approach the discussion from the point of view that one's career is a journey. Good decisions at the right time are critical to the success of a strong career. Some ways to promote sustainability are through international experiences, being flexible and open, and appropriately shifting interests when needed. The panel will address keeping momentum throughout one's career. The panelists bring their experiences and expertise to the roundtable format to begin a discussion of what they have learned and the keys to a successful and sustainable career.

Dr. Ricardo Montelongo
"Expanding Diversity Engagement Beyond Campus: NCORE and Other Opportunities"

This roundtable will allow participants discussion on how they can further engage in diversity education beyond campus. The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) will be highlighted. The facilitator currently serves on NCORE's National Advisory Board and is a member of the Faculty Interests & Needs Committee within the Board. NCORE's annual conference this year will be held in Ft. Worth, Texas, May 29-June 2. Roundtable participants will share useful information on the numerous outlets available to engage in diversity learning and action at state, regional, and national levels. Students, staff, and faculty are welcomed!

Dr. Ricardo Montelongo
"Culturally Responsive Teaching in Online Learning Environments"

As higher education entered the new century, the introduction of distance-learning and technology was described as dramatically altering the face of learning and instruction (Rahm & Reed, 1997). The purpose of the session is to provide a detailed account on challenges faced in creating meaningful online instruction in a required diversity course in an online higher education administration master's program. The presenter developed effective practices that promoted culturally responsive teaching by using concepts such as validation, critical race theory, and storytelling and adapted them within online course lectures and interaction. Strategies will be provided for those interested in online teaching.

Marissa Moreno, Jessica Thompson Falla, & Chad Sebastien
"Establishing LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces on Campus"

Our panel will consist of students, faculty, and support staff that were influential in creating the movement and will cover how to implement LGBTQ+ awareness with limited resources, how student led organizations foster student involvement, leadership, accountability and assist with retention, especially for marginalized student groups and how to professionally address and educate employees and students to create safe spaces and promote acceptance, while working through campus pushback.

Kevin P. Morris, II
"All That Education, Not Much Learning: Social Awareness Based Higher Education in the Era of #BLACKLIVESMATTER"

This presentation will focus on the need for universities to create social justice/awareness based curricula that brings students and faculty face-to-face with current social issues and their historical legacies in a way that is culturally responsive and cuts across all disciplines. Although there are current options across college campuses in Ethnic Studies, Women's Studies, and the Humanities and Social Sciences, students and faculty not in these fields should still be exposed to social awareness based content. We need to prioritize social awareness education as an active requirement rather than something passively acquired in four years.

Dr. Jonathan Nash
"Practicing Institutional Values to Create Inclusive Learning Climates"

The women's College of Saint Benedict and men's Saint John's University are historically white, Catholic and Benedictine, liberal arts colleges with coordinate missions in central Minnesota. The missions and values of each institution refer to "Our Benedictine Values": awareness of God, community living, dignity of work, hospitality, justice, listening, moderation, peace, respect for persons, stability, and stewardship. When practiced intentionally, these values can help instructors create inclusive learning environments in which all students can learn and thrive. Practicing an institution's mission and values may help instructors create environments in which the talents of all students are welcomed, valued, and celebrated.

Dr. H. Ami Nyoh
"Cultural Diversity and the Cameroon Higher Education Policy Definition: A Historical Appraisal of Bases, Practices and Pitfalls"

The Republic of Cameroon has in addition to its multi-ethnic identities; two powerful identities that developed from her colonial history. These are the English and the French speaking identities established through formal education under British and French administration. The paper, based on practices in state universities argues that an effort to introduce and implement a bi-culturally inclusive educational policy in higher education was marred by varying demands orchestrated by diversity. The paper concludes that in as much as there was the desire on the part of the state to ensure inclusive bilingualism in the higher education system, what was obtained was exclusivism ranging from policy to practice and outcomes.

Pamela Pretell
"Weaving a Dream for the Future: Native American Student Advocacy at the University of California, Davis"

Over the last few decades the number of Native American students in higher education has grown significantly prompting institutions to address challenges and barriers to Native American student success. At the University of California, Davis, Native American students historically challenged the invisibility of Native American peoples through advocacy efforts that brought to the forefront community voices and concerns. Community voices are vital to our efforts for inclusivity and educational equity. In this presentation I will discuss the importance of campus community histories to institutional efforts addressing educational equity and Native American student success, and share stories of students and alumni.

Danny Roe & Students from Texas A&M at Galveston, University of Texas Medical Branch, University of Houston, University of Houston-Clear Lake, and Galveston College
"LGTB Voices in Student Leadership"

This roundtable discussion will address the glass ceiling in student leadership for LGBT students, campus climate, confronting homophobia and transphobia, creating more inclusive student organization policies and procedures, and creating inclusive student programming and events.

Jackalyn Rainosek Ph.D., Liz Cloud, Co-Owner and Founder of DTP-Leadership Group, LLC, Certified Master, The Leadership Challenge©, and Jowell Lydon, Associate of DTP-Leadership Group, LLC, Certified Master in Training, The Leadership Challenge©

As we have worked in multiple organization and industries, one thing has become abundantly clear – everyone has habits. These habits are formed over time, even over generations, and demonstrate our beliefs, expectations and opinions. When these habits collide with other habits the end result is acts of social injustice. In this presentation we will address current questions and the reality of where we are in the U.S. with inclusion and diversity programs. We will also discuss a developmental approach to help organizations move from Affirmative Action to

Valuing Difference to Managing Diversity to developing Socially Just Organizations. This will include a brief description of the four stages an organization implements in an Inclusion, Diversity and Social Justice Initiative focusing on how clarity of a socially just organization helps leaders to understand the challenges of Social Justice Initiatives. It will also address why leaders must have an emotionally connected experience about the Depth of Understanding and Their Breadth of Awareness. Finally, this workshop will detail the three areas of training that need to occur with organizational personnel to create Culture Change.

Dr. Kenita Rogers, Dr. Karen Cornell, Dr. Elizabeth Crouch, Dr. Ashley Seabird, & Dr. David Kessler
"College Based Methodology in Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences: A Holistic Approach to Inclusion & Diversity"

The administration of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) at Texas A&M University is working diligently to enhance the learning environment through a holistic approach of programs designed to increase the diversity of faculty, staff, students, and the veterinary profession. Our programs have been integrated with the overall diversity efforts of the university and have placed the CVM in a leadership role. This presentation will explore the variety of implemented initiatives and programs at CVM over the past five years including the impact of Students, Faculty, Curriculum, Recruitment, Research, and establishing a national presence in diversity and inclusion leadership.

Dr. Kenita S. Rogers & Nancy T. Watson, Ph.D.
"Facilitating a Positive Workplace Climate for Faculty and Staff: Management Through Mediation Training"

The key to managing conflict is to expect, understand, and embrace conflict in a manner that allows it to be beneficial. Many people assume that conflicts are negative, and therefore, should be avoided. In truth, conflict is neutral; how one engages in the conflict is what determines a constructive or destructive outcome. In order to competently manage change, we must learn, grow, and develop effective conflict management skills, and strategically use conflict to move our units forward. The program at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences included offering 40-hour mediation course to faculty and staff, particularly those in positions of leadership. This presentation will focus on the development of a positive conflict culture within a college and the requirements for implementation of such a plan. Data and feedback collected from participants, a description of the process, keys to implementation, lessons learned, and future college plans for continued faculty and staff professional development will be included. Equipping faculty and staff with the important fundamental skill sets needed to promote and support a positive workplace climate has become part of the strategic diversity plan for the college.

Dr. Wanalee Romero, Dr. Amy Lucas & Dr. Anne Gessler
"Structured Reading Groups for Critical Thinking, Belongingness, and Civil Discourse in the First-Year Classroom"

To encourage meaningful and deep critical thinking, UHCL's First-Year Seminars have adapted structured reading groups that familiarize students with the rigor and enjoyment of intellectual civil discourse. Students write weekly assignments designed to help them communicate their ideas. Each class, during student-led small group discussions, students practice articulating their thoughts and investigating the intersectionality of ethnicity, class, citizenship status, religion, sexuality, and gender to create an inclusive learning community. Students report an increased sense of belongingness, engagement with course material, and comfort with written and oral communication.

Dr. Juan Sanchez & Dr. Elizabeth Borda
"What Drives Diversity?"

The intent of the presentation is to provide information concerning the driving forces behind diversity in the United States. The presentation will not review or suggest specific diversity activities; rather, it will provide information focused on demographic change and increase recognition of the value of a diverse and inclusive workforce. It is the demographic change, in part due to immigration, coupled with the need to remain economically competitive that is fundamental to increased diversity. The changing national demographics are forcing employers to seek educated and skilled workers from across a global population spectrum.

Janani Sunderesan, Janki Patel, Sagar Joshi, & Cruz-Imelda Wicks
"Overview and Application of Diversity & Inclusion at the University of Texas Medical Branch"

Diversity and inclusion within large institutions has become necessary to promote an effective and healthy working environment. The University of Texas Medical Branch has formulated a systematic method to promote diversity and inclusion within the community it serves. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which oversees the Diversity Council and campus resource groups, implement this method. By reviewing the UTMB models, we hope to create awareness of the available tools and methods so that other departments and institutions can apply and benefit from them.

Dorell Thomas
"Black ESL Students: The Case of a Composition Class & Federal Dollars"

In the 1969 to 1970 academic year, the Program in English Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin conducted research into remediating fifteen incoming African American freshmen. The linguists created an experimental section of English 100 to find out if the wave of newly admitted African American students, who were testing into remedial English at the time, would benefit from ESL instruction. The timely appearance of the hypothesis that the black learner's dialect is interfering with his or her ability to write needs to be historicized. The claim appears at the same time that the National Defense of Education Act (NDEA) started to fund both contrastive analysis in 1958 and language training for "disadvantaged youth" in 1964. This presentation will explore extent to which the special section at UW came about due to its ideal suitability for NDEA funding and examines how government sponsorship shapes the questions that academics ask.

Dr. Mayen Udoetuk
"From Lack of Inclusion to Inclusive Excellence in STEM"

There is a growing body of evidence that supports recitations as an instructional intervention in undergraduate STEM courses. Survey research was used in this study to gain a better understanding of the effects of recitations, as well as student perceptions of the recitations, to help inform the future structure and implementation of this type of instructional intervention for demographically diverse undergraduate students in gateway STEM courses at a Tier 1 urban university. Findings from this study indicate that recitation perceptions and effects vary among participants in different STEM subjects. Additionally, recitation leader interaction can influence recitation perceptions. A key feature in recitation implementation is small class size. Future work can expand on knowledge of additional STEM course subjects and gender.

Nicole McZeal Walters, Ed.D.
"How to Build Pathways of Engagement for Minority Women in Higher Education"

This interactive session will present compelling data about the current state of minority women in higher education; encourage discourse on the importance of mentoring, engagement, and building partnerships with fellow leaders; and understanding that successfully cultivating minority women faculty including those in leadership positions is essential to gender and ethnic parity. In addition, participants will discuss the root causes of underrepresentation, discuss cultural assumptions, and have an honest exchange about the current state of minority women leadership on their respective campuses. Participants should prepare to have candid, refreshing discussions regarding methods to affirm inclusion of minority women in leadership.

Cruz-Imelda Wicks
"Cultural Intelligence: A Must-Have Work Skill"

Cultural Intelligence is necessary in order to learn, understand and deal with different situations competently. Participants in this workshop will understand a definition of culture that will help you identify your own cultural influences, learn the four components of cultural intelligence, identify your motives for engaging in diverse interactions and use those motives to increase your cultural intelligence, design a plan to help you engage in diversity and practice adapting in diverse interactions.